Danielle Matalonis
/ Web Developer


To My Groovy

My Portfolio

Image Search -a React Project

This React-based site utilizes Unsplash to give you beautiful pictures cooresponding to any search term.

Pics Website
Interactive Election Map

Go ahead! Play around with this interactive map of a fictional election and watch the states and stats change. You know you want to ;)
*Click if on mobile. Hover if on desktop.

Election Map Website
Magic 8-Ball

Have a burning question? Ask the Magic 8-Ball!
This website shows off my Javascript skills. Click the button, watch the ball shake, erase any previous response and then display the answer to your question.
This website was originally only made for desktop, but I used my responsive development skills to make it look great on all screen sizes.

Magic 8-Ball Website
LolCat Clock

Thanks to Javascript, these cute cats will tell you the time and greet you accordingly. Play around by changing the times on the bottom to the current time, and don't forget to turn off and on the "Party Time" button!

LolCat Clock Website
Unplugged Resort Website

This is a fully-responsive website I built mobile-first. Feel free to test the different screen sizes. There are also two more pages, About and FAQ, you can explore!

Unplugged Retreat Website
Jubilee Austen Project

The very first website I've ever created! This fictitious profile website was built using HTML and CSS.

TyphoonOnDemand Blog

This is a fully-responsive blog site I built to be totally customizable. While you're there, feel free to check out some of Typhoon's groovy indie films!

Typhoon Blog Website

About Me

Hi, I'm Danielle!
I'm a front-end web developer.
When I'm not coding, I love to spend time with my friends and family. You can find me outside with my dog, playing Scrabble, or at my desk learning new skills!
I have experience in:

  • HTML
  • CSS
  • Photoshop
  • Git and GitHub
  • Responsive Development
  • Javascript and jQuery
  • React
  • AWS

I can’t wait to work with you!

my photo

Contact Me!

On the web
Let's meet

Pittsburgh, Pa